Life on a Bike
Cambridge, UK
Let the world's most powerful point of sale system work for you.
Run by former national cycling champion Jeff Sharp, Life on a Bike (formerly Claud Butler Cambridge) is an independently owned bike shop and workshop located in the heart of Cambridge, UK. The shop, which caters to all types of cyclists, is known all over town for its great products, friendly service and fun atmosphere. Novice riders, commuters and professionals all frequent the establishment for all their bike-related needs and the team at Life on a Bike understand that meeting the needs of such a diverse client base is a complex task.

Running a full service bike shop involves organisation and efficiency. Successfully managing everything from customer service to work orders can be quite the balancing act — especially without the help of an EPOS system. Prior to implementing their current cloud-based EPOS, the staff at Claud Butler Cambridge relied on the traditional paper and pencil method. Much of their time was spent running from one end of the shop to the other, making sure that customers were served and repairs were completed on time.
Let the world's most powerful point of sale system
work for you.

“Before, we were very old school with jobs written down in an old A4 diary...using this technology has enabled us to evolve and become more efficient, it’s a great step forward”. -Darren Sansom, Assistant Manager.
According to Darren, Lightspeed’s POS system has dramatically improved the efficiency of the shop’s day-to-day operations, giving them more time to focus on their customers.They can now, for example, produce work orders that are emailed to customers, detailing exactly what they will be paying for and how much labour will be involved. This kind of customer service gets customers talking and brings in more visitors.

“Lightspeed is making us more productive by allowing us to organise ourselves more effectively. Stock ordering and control is something we didn’t have before, and it’s changed our business...tracking our sales is going to prove a huge help over the next 12 months during such an important time for our brand.”
From the ability to check up on store operations from anywhere in the world, to improved workshop scheduling, inventory management and customer service, Lightspeed has provided Claud Butler with advanced retail management tools that ultimately lead to a better business.
How could your business benefit from Lightspeed POS?
For anyone migrating to a new point of sale, some extra help getting set up is appreciated (if not necessary). For Marcus, Lightspeed’s support team made the transition from their old system a pleasant experience.
“When we were getting the system installed, technical support was so helpful – they guided us through everything so we could be up and running as soon as possible.”