When we think of clean web store designs, we think of easy to read content, pages that tell a story while remaining open and minimalistic. What we don’t expect to see is a theme that’s packed with conversion boosting features.
Theme Voilà hits both metrics, in an easily configurable package, fit for any shop. Read on to find out about the main features you can use to catapult your shop to online success!
Shop the Look
Shop the look is a feature that allows your customers to get inspired from a “look” – usually high quality fashion photography – to allow your clients to shop for multiple items contained in a single image. This is a great way to showcase products your clients may have a harder time to find, and is similar to modern shopping techniques as seen on Instagram.
Size guide
If you’re selling fashion items, you know how important it is that your users get the right item the first time they purchase something from you in order to minimize the number of returns. A Size Guide is a simple yet intuitive way to help your clients find the perfect fit for them.
Variant colors & sizes at a glance
Theme Voilà allows you to set customizable icons for Variants inside your category pages. This allows your clients to pick the right size, color or even pattern for their desired item, making the transaction faster and more accurate in the end.
Instagram module
No business should be without social media activity these days. One of the most impressive rises in recent years has been through Instagram and their many features geared towards online shopping. Make use of your Instagram feed and create a connection to your online store with the Instagram filter, available by default in Theme Voilà.
About Huysmans
Dominic Huysmans has been working in the ecommerce field for close to 10 years for such diverse clients, from local yoga studios to Air France. More and more of his clients were interested in Lightspeed products and so he decided to offer a Theme to complement his services. Dominic is a Montreal native and is currently available for work, check out his portfolio at Huysmans.me
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