With the Delta variant making its way across the country, there have been regular updates for hospitality venues. This post covers everything we know about the latest restrictions for venues broken down by state/territory. *Accurate as of 7th July 2021
- New South Wales (NSW)
- Queensland (QLD)
- Western Australia (WA)
- Northern Territory (NT)
- Australian Capital Territory (ACT)
- Victoria (VIC)
New South Wales (NSW)
Greater Sydney (including Blue Mountains, Wollongong & the Central Coast)
- Restricted to only takeaway & delivery until 16th July
Regional NSW
- Only seated dining, drinking while standing not allowed
- Dancing not allowed (except for wedding party, capped at 20 people)
- Distancing: one person per four square metre rule introduced
- Outdoor seated events limited to 50% capacity
Queensland (QLD)
The snap three-day lockdown announced last Tuesday (29th of June) for Brisbane, Townsville and a number of local government areas in South East Queensland (Noosa, Sunshine Coast, Ipswich, Logan, Redlands, Moreton Bay, Gold Coast, Scenic Rim, Lockyer Valley, Somerset)
has been lifted.
However, the following restrictions are in place for hospitality venues:
- Only seated dining when eating or drinking in a venue
- One person per four square metre rule applies
- For smaller venues (up to 200 square metres), one person per square metre must be maintained for up to 50 people
- Outdoor venues and businesses can have one person every 2 square metres
Western Australia (WA)
The lockdown for Perth and Peel came to an end on Saturday (3rd July) but interim restrictions will still be in place until the 6th of July. This includes:
- Only seated service allowed
- 20 person limit and 4 person per square metre rule
Between the 6th of July and the 12th of July (12:01am), the following restrictions will still be in place instead:
- Seated service only
- 150 person limit and 2 person per square metre rule
Northern Territory (NT)
While the lockdown in the Greater Darwin Area and Alice Springs came to an end on Friday (2nd July), certain restrictions will still be in place until 9th of July. This includes:
- Seated service only
- Hospitality staff who are in contact with customers or who can’t observe 1.5m of social distancing must wear masks
- Patrons are required to wear a mask in the venue unless they are seated (eating and drinking)
Australian Capital Territory (ACT)
- Masks must be worn in hospitality venues by staff and recommended for patrons when they are moving within the venue (e.g. when heading to the bathroom, ordering at the counter)
South Australia (SA)
- One person per two square metre rule in place for venues
- Indoor dining: only seated dining allowed, including consumption of alcohol
- Outdoor dining: both seated and standing dining allowed
- ‘Shared consumption’ not permitted including buffets or shisha
- No singing from the audience at live events, performers are allowed to sing
Victoria (VIC)
Metropolitan Melbourne
- Only seated service in food & drink facilities, capped at 300 patrons per venue with 1 person per 4 square metres rule in place
- Smaller venues can have up to 25 patrons before the density quotient applies
- Venues less than 600 square metres can operate with 1 person per 2 square metres or venue cap of 150 patrons — provided they have a COVID Check-in Marshal
- Food courts can open with no venue cap but density quotient of 1 person per 4 square metres applies. Both indoors and outdoors.
Regional Victoria
- Only seated service for food & drink facilities, and food courts
- 1 person per 2 square metres rule applies when using a COVID Check-in Marshal; without a marshall, 1 person per 4 square metres rule applies
- Smaller venues can have up to 25 patrons before the density quotient applies
- Food courts can open with no venue cap but 1 person per 2 square metres rule applies, both indoors & outdoors.
That is all the information we have at the moment but we will update this regularly with every new announcement. Stay strong, and stay safe.

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