Once you’ve set up your online menu for takeaway and delivery, it is essential to get the word out. Let your customers, both existing and potential, know that you are still serving and working through the Covid climate. This guide covers the immediate steps that you can take to start promoting your online menu and delivery services.
Social Media and Marketing Guide
Our team has designed and written the social media templates specifically for the hospo community to support you to get the word out so, if it suits, do use them!
Google My Business listing
Google. Everyone’s default. Anytime there is a question, Google has an answer. And Covid-19, has dragged with it a fair share of questions. So when it comes to hungry customers who are not sure of what’s open near them – who is delivering and their delivery times – it’s Google search they’ll turn to.
So, if you haven’t already, definitely update your Google Listing because that’s your biggest and loudest digital ‘OPEN’ sign. Update your website’s url with your delivery/takeaway (online menu) url to indicate that you are delivering, and update your opening hours if they have been adjusted.
If you need help to update your Google My Business account, there is a support guide available.
Social media
While social media has always been a primary marketing ingredient for hospitality, its reach and potential are stronger during the Covid-19 shutdown.
With self-isolation measures in place, people are gravitating to social media to feel a sense of togetherness. The time spent on social media has also increased with most people working from home.
So, regularly post on your social media accounts to let your customers know that you are still open and doing takeaway/delivery. Below are some captions and templates to get you going!
Captions & taglines
When it comes to captions and taglines it is always recommended to be clear and concise in what you are conveying while also being engaging so that you stand out from the noise. Below are a few different approaches/themes to consider.
Even during dire times – or some might argue, especially during dire times – humour goes a long way.
We’re live & cooking…from a distance
We’ve got delivery & takeaway! Order your favourite <insert name of venue> meal at <insert your delivery url>
It has been a difficult time. But with difficult times comes a sense of togetherness and community. From people buying chocolates during checkout for cashiers to express their gratitude to basketball legends pledging part of their salary to cover wages of impacted stadium staff.
Keeping hospo alive, one order at a time
We hope you’re doing well during these difficult times. We are well too, and we’ll keep pushing on to stay that way. We’ve now started delivery & takeaway and we’ll continue fighting to keep <insert name of venue> alive! Order from <insert your delivery url>
Unique Selling Point (USP) – reinforce your identity
What makes your venue unique? In the absence of customer service, it is important to remind your guests why they fell in love with your place (aside from the delish food, of course).
Remember our <insert your USP e.g. jazzed up music, legendary service>?
And while we can’t quite deliver that just yet, we’ve still got our scrumptious menu that can be sent straight to your doorstep. Order from <insert your delivery url>
Reassurance & peace of mind
One of the greatest things that you’re selling during these uncertain times is peace of mind. Assure your customers that you are taking every precaution and that you always have your employees’ and your customers’ wellbeing in mind.
Still Serving Delicious Food with a Side of Extra Care
We at <insert name of venue> are taking every step and measure to ensure that our food is produced with the safety of our employees and our customers in mind. Order from our online menu: <insert your delivery url>
Delicious images of dishes
Much like the captions & taglines, the creatives that accompany your copy need to be eye-catching. And what better way of stopping hungry eyeballs than enticing food photos?
It’s always encouraged to use your own photographs but that’s not always an easy task. Capturing the right angle and lighting takes experience and time. Here are some websites that offer royalty-free photos to help you get started.
Unsplash | Pexels | Pixaby | Life of Pix | Stock Snap
Most of the sites shared above provide images that are free for commercial use but we recommend reading through their respective policies.
Email template
If you have a database of your customers, send them a mass e-mail with the link to your online menu. Remind them that you are still operating and you’re on delivery too. Below is a template e-mail with subject line options that you can use to get started right away.
Subject line:
Delivery & Takeaway Menu: The Tables Have Turned…to Wheels
Email copy:
Dear customer,
We are still live & cooking!
And we’re now online!
How exciting. In fact, we are only online.
And as much as we will miss your face, we don’t want you missing your favourite food.
So jump online, order our <insert some bestsellers> and let us continue doing what we love – making you smile and filling those bellies!
You can order your favourite meals here: <insert delivery url>
<insert name of men>
Lightspeed Ordering & Delivery
No matter what platform you’re using, we are cheering you on. Thank you for #keepinghospoalive and preserving an integral part of our culture. We will continue to play our part to support you with resources, tools, and regular news updates.

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